From the recording Only Love is Real


    The Way out is In
I want to tell you something about me
it's the same thing you've forgotten about yourself
I remember, I forget, I remember more and more
the little you may not want to hear right now
      If someone told you something that you could not believe
      would it mean that it's not true?
    Some say Jeshua (Jesus*), some say Buddha, 
    some say Krishna, Mohammed too....
    Their just pointing the way, their just pointing the way
    their just pointing the way,  their just pointing...
          the way out is in, the way out is in
I've got so many friends that I can't see, with the eyes of the body
for I know that I live beyond what I believed myself to be
One with All, All is One that is the song of the free
      If someone told you something that you could not believe
      would it mean that its not true?
      Some say Jeshua, some say Buddha,
      some say Krishna, Mohammed too..
      Their just pointing the way, their just pointing the way
      their just pointing the way, their just pointing
            the way out is in, the way out is in
      Love the Goddess, serve the Goddess 
       love the Goddess...everything will be alright
       some say Jeshua, some say Buddha,
       some say Krishna, Mohammed too
       Their just pointing the way, their just pointing the way
      their just pointing the way, their just pointing
                     the way out is in, the way out is in
    *=Jeshua or Jeshua ben Joseph is the translation into 
        English from Aramaic the language  he spoke